Semi-Hardcore Speedrun guild. Raiding on Wednesday 20:00 ST Aiming for top 3 Speed on Crusader Strike. Loot is currently MS>OS with consideration for BiS items according to attendance/performance. We are having a good time while being really good at the game so if you want a hardcore setting while still being able to joke around during non-raid time, you are looking for us. Apply below:
/w Lmaowl, Rycore, Raptorr, Tymbark or Blazé
Devotion plays 1 times per week for a total of 1h 15m.
Day | Start | Duration |
Wed | 18:00 | 1h 15m |
Devotion is recruiting!
Raids, Dungeons, Social
What activities is Devotion recruiting for?
What is the primary language used in Devotion?